random thoughts a journey to somewhere

Working with SSH in Linux and macOS

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This post is not yet completed


Generate keys

Default RSA key,

This will generate an RSA key called id_rsa in the ~/.ssh/ directory.


I mostly prefer using the ed25519 key. To generate the key run the following,

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_{name_of_the_key}

Start ssh-agent

eval $(ssh-agent)

Add keys to ssh-agent

ssh-add </path/to/your/private/key>

Add all private (hopefully) keys to ssh-agent.

grep -rl PRIVATE ~/.ssh | xargs ssh-add

Add keys to a remote server

ssh-copy-id -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 user@example.com

Remove keys from a remote server

What I mostly do, I open the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in the server and delete the key from there. This file lists all the public keys uploaded to the server.

Remove host from known_hosts file

ssh-keygen -R hostname


It’s useful to debug using the ssh -v (verbose) option. It’ll tell you what’s happening under the hood. The interesting line to look for is Offering.

What is SSH?

SSH is a widely used and popular secure shell implementation that is mostly used to remotely access machines. To learn more about it search google or run man ssh in your terminal.

Using SSH

To use ssh we’ll need a remote machine with the OpenSSH server installed. Then from our computer, we can access that machine through the ssh client program. To demonstrate this I’ll use two docker containers here one as a remote machine and another as our local machine.

Our demo machine

Let’s create a docker container that will act like our remote machine. First, start with a docker file. We’ll build a container from this file.

FROM debian:bookworm-slim

RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y \
  openssh-server iproute2 openssl

RUN useradd -s /bin/bash -m \
  -p $(openssl passwd -1 password) riad

RUN echo "#!/bin/bash" >> /startup.sh && \
    echo "service ssh start" >> /startup.sh && \
    echo "echo 'IP:' \$(hostname -I)" >> /startup.sh && \
    echo "exec bash \"\$@\" " >> /startup.sh && \
    chmod +x /startup.sh

CMD ["/startup.sh"]

This is going to be a very simple Debian-based docker image. We’ll install some packages as well.

To build the docker image let’s create a new Dockerfile file and then paste the code above. Then run the following command from the Dockerfile directory,

Or you can directly paste this into a terminal and it’ll create the file for you,

echo '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' | base64 -d > Dockerfile

Then let’s run this command to build a new image based on the dockerfile.

docker build -t debian:ssh-test .

Now we want to do something different. We want to address the containers by host lookup. So we’ll connect both containers to the same network. To create a new network let’s run the following command.

docker network create --driver bridge ssh-net

This command will create a new network called ssh-net.

The next thing we want to do is start two terminal sessions and open two docker container shells in two of them with the following commands.

In one of the terminals let’s run this command.

docker run --rm -it -h local --name local --network ssh-net debian:ssh-test

This terminal will act like our local machine.

On the other terminal let’s run the following,

docker run --rm -it -h remote --name remote --network ssh-net debian:ssh-test

This one will act like our remote machine.

Logging into the machine

To log in to the machine, all we need to do is using ssh command, we can run ssh command like this,

ssh username@remotemachine

In the demo case, we can run the following command from the local machine (notice the hostname in the terminal prompt root@local:/#`),

ssh riad@remote

Then it’ll ask for the password, write password (yee! very secure password!)

Congratulation! Now we’re in the remote machine! The prompt will look like this!


Generating keys

Now that we’ve logged in with the password, let’s try something cool. Let’s try logging in with keys! The idea here is to generate a key pair. We’ll keep the private key and send the public key to the server. Then we should be able to log in without any password. Let’s try this.

Simply write exit and it’ll get you out of the remote machine.

riad@remote$ exit

Now to generate keys, from our local container, let’s run this command

root@local:/# ssh-keygen

It’ll ask for a bunch of questions, press ENTER for all of them. Now run the following command,

Upload our keys

Now that we’ve generated keys in our machine it’s time to upload the public part to the server. There’s already a helper utility available for that. Let’s run the following.

ssh-copy-id riad@remote

This command will try to upload any key that is recognized by the ssh-agent to the server. It’ll ask for the password. Let’s type our password and the keys will be uploaded to the remote machine.

Using password-less authentication

Now our public key is in the remote machine so if we again run ssh riad@remote then it’ll log into the remote machine without any password.

Disabling the password auth

We can now disable password authentication altogether. Sometimes it’s recommended for the servers to make the server a bit more secure.

SSH agent

We’ve mentioned ssh-agent before. But what is it? If we look into the man page, by simply running man ssh-agent then we will get this.

ssh-agent is a program to hold private keys used for public key authentication.

Before going crazy with ssh-agent let’s try to set up the environment.

Removing keys from ssh-agent!

To prove a point let’s do the following, we’re deleting the authorized_keys from the server.

root@remote:/# rm /home/riad/.ssh/authorized_keys

Let’s generate a new key,

root@local:/# ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/mykey -t ed25519

Upload the key to the remote server,

root@local:/# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey riad@remote

And try logging into the server!

root@local:/# ssh riad@remote

It’ll ask for the password!! If not then the key probably is already added to the ssh-agent! To remove that run ssh-add -D, Now try again!

Okay! Let’s try this command differently,

root@local:/# ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey riad@remote

This time you should be able to log in. We’ve specified our key!

We can do this another way! This is where ssh-agent comes into the picture.

Adding keys to ssh-agent

Let’s see if our ssh-agent is running! To check, let’s try to print out the socket path of the ssh-agent,

root@local:/# echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK

If it prints nothing then the ssh-agent is not running. To start ssh-agent let’s run the following command,

root@local:/# eval $(ssh-agent)

ssh verbose mode

Verbose mode helps to debug common ssh issues! Like everything seems set, still can’t log in! Maybe ssh-agent doesn’t know about the key! Maybe the ssh config is wrong. And so on.

Try running ssh command with -v flag.

ssh -v user@example.com

This command will spit out lots of logs and the most interesting one is the offering lines.

Using ssh config file

Sometimes it’s handy to use the ssh config file. The ssh config file is located ~/.ssh/config. The syntax is like this.

Host prod
    HostName prod01.example.com
    User riad
    Port 2398

Now with that config in place, previously we had to run,

ssh -p 2398 riad@prod01.example.com

Now we can simply write,

ssh prod

And the effect will be the same.


This article is mainly written to document some ssh things. It’s not yet fully complete! I’ll gradually update this article.

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